SGPCI Recruitment 2024 Notification PDF, Apply Online for 1683 Vacancies

SGPGI Nursing Officer Recruitment 2024: The Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) has announced the opening of online applications for various positions on its official website. This recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 1683 vacancies, which include roles such as Nursing Officer, Stenographer, Junior Engineer, Receptionist, Technician, Medical Lab Technologist, Technical Assistant, and Sanitary Inspector Gr.I, among others. Prospective applicants should be aware that the online application forms will be available soon.

The selection process for these positions will be based on the scores obtained in a common recruitment test, which will be conducted in major cities as specified in the online application form.

You can find comprehensive information about the SGPGI Nursing Officer recruitment drive, including eligibility criteria, age limits, application and selection procedures, salary details, and more, right here.

Name of PostsNumber of vacant postsPay Matrix Level as per 7th CPCGroup
Junior Engineer (Telecom)01 (SC only)Level-6C
Senior Administrative Assistant40Level-4C
Nursing Officer1426Level-7B
Technician (Radiology)15Level-6C
Medical Lab Technologist21Level-6C
Technician (Radiotherapy)08Level-6C
Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)03Level-6C
Junior Physiotherapist03Level-6C
Junior Occupational Therapist03Level-6C
Nuclear Medicine Technologist07Level-5C
Technician (Dialysis)37Level-5C
Sanitary Inspector Gr.I08Level-5C

SGPGI Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

Name of PostEssential Eligibility Criteria
Junior Engineer (Telecom)Essential Qualification and experience:

First class diploma in telecommunication/electronics engineering with 2 years experience in the concerned field.
Senior Administrative AssistantEssential Qualification and experience:

(i) Graduate with knowledge of noting & drafting and knowledge of computer.
(ii) A typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English OR 25 w.p.m. in Hindi
(iii) Minimum One year experience in Government/Public Service Undertaking/Autonomous government organization/Including Contractual/Outsourced workers working in Government Organization. (iv) Candidates must learn bilingual typing in both Hindi and English with speed of 25/30 w.p.m. in Hindi and English, respectively, within the probation period of 2 years. Failure to clear the test will result in termination.
StenographerEssential Qualification and experience:

(i) Graduate.
(ii) Stenography speed – 80 w.p.m. in Hindi OR English
(iii) Typing speed – 25 w.p.m. in Hindi OR 30 w.p.m. in English, on computer/desktop
(iv) Knowledge in computer applications.
(v) Candidates must learn bilingual typing in both Hindi and English with speed of 25/30 w.p.m. in Hindi and English, respectively, within the probation period of 2 years. Failure to clear the test will result in termination.
ReceptionistEssential Qualification and experience:

(i) Degree from a recognized University
(ii) Post-graduate Diploma in Journalism/Public Relations.

(i) Experience in Public Relations/Publications/Printing/Publishing
(ii) Exposure to working on Personal Computer.
Nursing OfficerEssential Qualification and experience:

(i) B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing/B.Sc Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute or University


B.Sc. (Post certificate)/Post Basic B.Sc Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute/Board or University.
(ii) Registered as Nurse & Midwife in State/India Nursing Council


(i) Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council.
(ii) Registered as Nurse & Midwife in State/Indian Nursing Council
(iii) Two years experience in minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring the educational qualification mentioned above.
PerfusionistEssential Qualification and experience:
(i) B.Sc. Degree in Medical Perfusion from a recognized Institute/University

(ii) B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University with certificate in Perfusion Technology (awarded by a recognized Institution/Association/Authority (such as Association of Thoracic and Cardio Vascular Surgeons of India) after minimum 01 year training in a center with CVTS Services. AND 01 year experience in clinical perfusion.
Technician (Radiology)Essential Qualification and experience:

(i) 10+2 with Science subjects or equivalent from a recognized Board/University.
(ii) Diploma (2 years course) in Radiography Techniques from a recognized Institution.
(iii) 1 year experience as Radiographer.


B. B.Sc. (Hons.) (3 years course) in Radiography from a recognized University/Institution.
Medical Lab TechnologistEssential Qualification and experience: Bachelors Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology/Medical Laboratory Science from a Govt. recognized university/institution with two years relevant experience in a Laboratory attached with a hospital having minimum 100 beds.
Technician (Radiotherapy)Essential Qualification and experience:

(i) 10+2 with Science subjects or equivalent from a recognized Board/University.
(ii) Diploma (2 years course) in Radiotherapy Techniques from a recognized Institution.
(iii) One year experience as Radiotherapy Technician.
B.Sc. (Hons.) (3 years course) in Radiotherapy from a recognized University/Institution.
Technical Assistant (Neuro-Otology)Essential Qualification and experience: Essential: B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing from a recognized Institution/University.

(i) B.Sc. (Hons) in Speech and Hearing
(ii) Clinical experience in a hospital (Neuro-otology).
Junior PhysiotherapistEssential Qualification and experience: Essential Qualification:
(i) Inter (Science)
(ii) Master Degree in Physiotherapy Therapy (MPT).
Junior Occupational TherapistEssential Qualification and experience: Essential Qualifications: (i) Inter (Science) (ii) Master Degree in Occupational Therapy (MOT).
Nuclear Medicine TechnologistEssential Qualification and experience: Essential: B.Sc. in Life Science and other sciences plus one year diploma in Medical Radiation and Isotope Techniques (DMRIT)
equivalent approved by AERB. Desirable: One year post diploma (DMRIT) in registered Nuclear Medicine facility.
Technician (Dialysis)Essential Qualification and experience: Essential: B.Sc. in Dialysis Technology
B.Sc. with diploma in Dialysis Technology of 02 years and one year experience of working as dialysis technician in a Hospital of 20 dialysis unit. If candidates above qualification are not found then following qualification shall be considered: B.Sc. in Life Science plus 02 years experience of working as dialysis technician in a hospital of 20 Dialysis Units.
Sanitary Inspector Gr.IEssential Qualification and experience:
(i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board.
(ii) Certificate of Sanitary Inspector course.
(iii) Seven (07) years of experience in the line, preferably in a hospital of repute.

Download Notification PDF

How to Apply for SGPGI Recruitment 2024?

Candidates applying for various posts published in Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences are required to apply online ONLY through the official website:

Before filling up Online Application, the Candidate must be ready with following documents:

  • Recent Scanned Colored Photograph in JPG/JPEG format only (file size 80KB max).
  • Scanned Signatures (file size 80KB max).
  • A valid E-mail id and
  • Mobile Number
  • Scanned Image of Mark sheets & Certificates for 10th, 12th, Diploma Graduation and Post Graduation (as applicable).
  • Scanned Image of Caste/Category and Sub-Category (if applicable), Domicile certificates (if applicable) & Experience Certificate (If applicable)

A valid E-mail id and Mobile Number is mandatory for the submission of your Online Application. This E-Mail id and Mobile number should be active till the completion of recruitment process.Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences will send important information about your application and examination on this registered E Mail / Mobile number.


Please read following Instructions carefully to fill up the Application Form.

Step 1: Candidates are required to visit website: first, then go through the following documents:

  • Advertisement
  • Exam Cities
  • How to Apply
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Helpdesk

Step 2: Candidates are required to Register with their Name of the Applicant, Post Applied, Date of Birth, Email ID, and Mobile Number.

For registration of online Application Form click on “Registration for New Users

Step 3: After successful Registration, Candidate will receive password on registered mobile no and user id on Registered Email Id.

Step 4: Application Form => Candidate can logout or fill up application form by click on “Sign in for Existing Users” with allotted user id and password”

The following details need to be completed during filling up of application form.

  1. Personal Details
  2. Communication Details
  3. Qualification Details
  4. Test City Choice
  5. Document Upload and Payment

Mandatory Documents:

  • Scanned image of Recent Colored Photograph of candidate
  • Scanned Signature of candidate (File size of 80KB (maximum) in JPEG format only)
  • Certificates for 10th, 12th, Graduation (if applicable), Post Graduation (if applicable)
  • Caste/Category, Sub-Category & Domicile certificates, (if applicable)

Step 5: On successful submission of the Application Form & deposit of application fee, you will be able to view the complete application submitted by you, including your Photo along with the message of Successful submission by clicking on track your application form. Please take a printout of this application form for future correspondence & Application Sequence Number printed on it.

Step 6: Deposit the requisite Application fees through online/offline mode via State Bank of India payment gateway. Make sure that the candidate do the payment after successful submission of application, candidate are advised to make payment before the last day of fee submission to avoid the last time network rush.