Kashmir University Junior Professional Assistant, Legal Assistant & Liaison Officer Provisional List Released

The University of Kashmir has released an important notification for all candidates who submitted their online application forms in response to Advertisement Notice No. 07 of 2023, dated July 28, 2023. This notice pertains to the recruitment for the positions of Liaison Officer, Junior Professional Assistant, and Legal Assistant. The university has now published the list of applicants along with their provisional eligibility status, which can be found in Annexures I, II, and III attached to this notice.

Provisional Status Details

Candidates are advised to review their provisional eligibility status in the respective annexures:

  • Annexure I: Liaison Officer Applicants
  • Annexure II: Junior Professional Assistant Applicants
  • Annexure III: Legal Assistant Applicants

These annexures detail the eligibility status of each applicant based on the information provided in their application forms.

Direct Link to Check Provisional List PDF

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Addressing Discrepancies

If any candidate identifies a discrepancy in their provisional eligibility status, they are required to take immediate action. Candidates should approach the Recruitment Section of the University of Kashmir in person, bringing along relevant documentary proof to substantiate their claims. This must be done within seven days from the date of this notice, which means the final date for raising any issues is May 28, 2024.