Kashmir University JPA Centre Notice to all the candidates

Centre Notice for Recruitment/Entrance Test to Junior Professional Assistant and M.Phil in Clinical Psychology (Session 2024)

The University of Kashmir has issued a crucial notice for candidates appearing in the Recruitment/Entrance Test for the Junior Professional Assistant position and M.Phil Clinical Psychology program, scheduled for November 9, 2024. This announcement provides essential details regarding the examination centers, timings, and instructions to ensure a smooth and orderly process.

Under University of Kashmir Vice chancellor Nilofar Khan’s leadership, strict guidelines have been set to maintain decorum and discipline, with measures to prevent unfair practices.

>> Kashmir University Junior Professional Assistant Exam Scheduled for November 11

Examination Schedule and Venue Details

1. Junior Professional Assistant (Kashmir University)
Date: 09-11-2024
Time: 11:00 AM

Center Name/LocationRoll Number FromRoll Number To
Department of Arabic888001888048
Department of Persian888049888120
Institute of Foreign Languages888121888168
Centre for Distance and Online Education (Main Block)888169888264
Centre for Distance and Online Education (New Block – Education Department Top Floor)888265888464
Humanities Block (Hall-A)888465888584
Humanities Block (Hall-B)888585888713

2. M.Phil Clinical Psychology
Date: 09-11-2024
Time: 02:00 PM

Center Name/LocationRoll Number FromRoll Number To
Humanities Block (Hall-A)999001999100
Humanities Block (Hall-B)999101999180

Important Instructions for Candidates

Candidates appearing for the above-mentioned examinations are required to follow these guidelines strictly:

  • Mandatory Documents:
    All candidates must carry the following for entry into the Examination Hall:
    • A valid Admit Card downloaded from the Kashmir University official website.
    • A valid photo Identity Card for verification by the supervisory staff.
  • Electronic Devices Prohibition:
    Electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, laptops, palmtops, calculators, or any other electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the examination hall. Possession of any of these devices may be treated as unfair means and could lead to disqualification.
  • Prohibition of Study Materials:
    Candidates must not bring any study materials, notes, or papers related to the examination into the hall. Possession of such material could result in severe punitive actions.
  • Examination Hall Entry:
    Entry into the examination hall will be allowed only upon presenting the Admit Card and a valid photo Identity Card.