JKSSB Supervisor Exam Date Announced, to be held on 23 June

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has announced an advance notice regarding the OMR-based written examination for the post of Supervisor in the Social Welfare Department. The examination is tentatively scheduled for June 23, 2024. This update pertains to the District Cadre positions advertised under Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2023, specifically for Item Nos. 08 to 26.

Key Points for Candidates:

  • JKSSB Supervisor Examination Date: The OMR-based written examination is tentatively set for June 23, 2024.
  • Position: Supervisor, Social Welfare Department, District Cadre.
  • Advertisement Notification: No. 02 of 2023.
  • Items: 08 to 26.

JKSSB Supervisor Recruitment 2024; Number of Vacancies Decreased to 186

Next Steps and Preparation Tips:

Candidates are advised to begin their preparations in earnest, considering the tentative date provided. Here are some steps to ensure a smooth preparation process:

  1. Review the Syllabus: Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the syllabus outlined in the official notification. Focus on key areas and subjects relevant to the Supervisor position.
  2. Gather Study Materials: Collect recommended books, past papers, and other study resources. Ensure you have all necessary materials well in advance.
  3. Regular Practice: Practice with OMR sheets to become comfortable with the format of the examination. Time management is crucial during OMR-based exams.
  4. Stay Updated: Regularly check the official JKSSB website and notifications for any updates regarding the examination date and admit card availability.

Admit Card Information:

The schedule for downloading admit cards will be notified separately. Candidates should keep an eye on official announcements to avoid missing crucial information.