JKSSB issues important notice regarding upcoming exams

In a recent announcement, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has issued a notice regarding the upcoming OMR-based written test scheduled to commence on May 19, 2024. The notice underscores several crucial guidelines aimed at ensuring a smooth and fair examination process.

Firstly, candidates are reminded to carry two recent passport-size color photographs on the day of the examination, with their name and date clearly mentioned. It is emphasized that these photographs should not be older than six months from the examination date. One of these photographs must be affixed to the admit card provided.

Secondly, candidates are advised that the admit cards, inclusive of the affixed photograph and undertaking, will be collected by invigilators present at the examination centers and subsequently submitted to the Board. This step is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of the examination process.

Lastly, candidates are strongly advised to retain a copy of their admit card for future reference, emphasizing the importance of personal record-keeping in the examination process.