JKPSC Written examination notice issued for various posts, check dates here

In continuation to the JKPSC office notice dated 27.03.2024 & 07.05.2024, it is for the information of all the eligible candidates that the written examination (Objective type) in the following disciplines shall now be held on 21.06.2024 (Friday), as per the following schedule:

S. No.Name of the DisciplineForenoon ShiftTime
1.Soil Conservation Assistant/ Photo-InterpreterPaper 1-General Knowledge10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
S. No.Name of the DisciplineAfternoon ShiftTime
2.Soil Conservation Assistant/ Photo InterpreterPaper 2-Optional02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
3.Assistant Professor (Physiology)02:00 PM to 04:00 PM

Further, the admit cards will be uploaded on the website of the Commission w.e.f. 12.06.2024. However, those candidates who are unable to download their Admit Cards may approach the Commission Office by or before 20.06.2024 at Jammu/Srinagar.


  1. The candidates should read carefully all the instructions mentioned on the admit card.
  2. Only those candidates should appear in the Written Examination (Objective type), who fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post as notified in the above-mentioned Notification. However, permission to appear in the Written Examination is purely provisional subject to further verification of their documents/eligibility at any stage of the selection process.
  3. The candidature of such applicants shall be rejected at any stage of the selection process, who are found to have misrepresented or concealed the material facts having a bearing on their eligibility.