CBSE Class 12th Result Verification 2024 Applications Out at; Photocopy of Answer Books and Re-evaluation

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has opened applications for CBSE Class 12th result verification 2024, allowing students to apply for the verification of marks, obtain photocopies of their evaluated answer books, and request re-evaluation of their board exam papers. This process is crucial for students who wish to ensure the accuracy of their scores and potentially improve their results.

Key Dates for CBSE Class 12th Result Verification 2024

The CBSE Class 12 results were announced on May 13, 2024, and the subsequent processes for verification, obtaining photocopies of answer books, and re-evaluation have been scheduled as follows:

Verification of MarksMay 17 to May 21
Obtaining Photocopy of Answer BooksJune 1 to June 2
Re-evaluation of AnswersJune 6 to June 7

Students need to adhere to these dates strictly to ensure their applications are considered.

How to Apply for CBSE Class 12th Result Verification 2024?

To apply for the verification of marks, students must visit the official CBSE website ( and follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Use your roll number, school number (5 digits), and exam centre number as provided on your admit card.
  2. Application Form: Fill out the application form for verification of marks. Ensure all details are correct.
  3. Payment: Pay the application fee of Rs 500 per subject for verification.
  4. Submission: Submit the form and keep a copy of the receipt for future reference.

It’s important to note that private students should enter ‘99999’ in the school number field.

Fees for Verification, Photocopies, and Re-evaluation

The fees for each service are as follows:

  • Verification of Marks: Rs 500 per subject
  • Photocopy of Evaluated Answer Book: Rs 700 per answer book
  • Re-evaluation of Answers: Rs 100 per subject

These fees are non-refundable, so students should consider carefully before applying.

Also, students can apply for verification, photocopy, and re-evaluation for multiple subjects. However, they must submit separate applications for each service and pay the respective fees per subject.

Process for Obtaining CBSE Class 12th Photocopies of Answer Books

To obtain a photocopy of your evaluated answer book:

  1. Verification Required: Only students who have applied for verification of marks are eligible.
  2. Application Period: Submit your application between June 1 and June 2.
  3. Fees: Pay Rs 700 per answer book.
  4. Submission: Ensure all details are correctly filled out and submit the form.

How to Apply for CBSE Re-evaluation?

The re-evaluation process is available for students who have obtained photocopies of their evaluated answer books. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Eligibility: Only students who have received their photocopies can apply.
  2. Application Window: Apply between June 6 and June 7.
  3. Fees: Pay Rs 100 per subject.
  4. Submission: Complete the application form and submit it online.

CBSE 12th Verification and Re-evaluation

After the verification and re-evaluation process:

  • Final Marks: The final marks will be uploaded to the candidate’s login on the CBSE website.
  • No Individual Notification: Students will not receive individual messages or emails. They must check their results online.
  • Updated Marks: If there are any changes in the marks after re-evaluation, the updated marks will be reflected in the official records.